Bardon House
This gothic gabled stone house was designed and built by prominent mid-19th century Brisbane citizen and mayor from 1864-65 Joshua Jeays on 39 acres of freehold land. It was dedicated to and named by his wife who, due to health issues wanted to escape with their four children to ‘the country’ – the wooded Bardon area.
Unfortunately she died before the manor style house was completed in 1862, (made from the stone from his quarry in the Woogaroo Lunatic Asylum area) and out of sorrow he never lived there, although his daughter who married Charles Lilley (Governor of Qld) resided there at the turn of the century.
For a decade it was in the hands of a school teacher before being snapped up by Archbishop Duhig in 1925, whereupon it has been in the hands of the Catholic Church in one shape or another since then. Today it is part of the St Joseph’s primary school complex.
Bardon House
St Joseph's Catholic School
The Drive